REPORT - Real World Insights into the emerging discipline of Zero Emission Constructions


With this paper, we want to disseminate the experiences and insights that have been produced in the last two years to help parties in other countries to learn from those ZE pioneers. We specifically address the OEM manufacturer community, electricity utilities companies and public purchasers of construction works to take those valuable real-life insights on board.

We tried to keep it short and simple, although this means to compromise on some nuances that must be made. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you would like to hear more about any particular topic.

The lessons we share in this paper are the following: 

  • “There is no alternative to going Zero Emissions - for several reasons”
  • “There is no future for combustion engines”
  • “ZE construction is about much more than just a machine”
  • “Grid connections are always first choice but won’t do the job alone”
  • “Calling on OEMs: Maximise global CO2 reduction per unit of development money”
  • “Immobile machines need exchangeable batteries”
  • “Battery capacity needs to be tuned to the maximum diesel consumption at 4kWh per litre”
  • “Energy harvest maximisation will be key and needs versatile energy storage and logistics”
  • “Technology standards will accelerate ZE development – subsidies are more likely to delay it”
  • “This energy transition transcends competition and client – contractor stereotypes”

Parts of this whitepaper were discussed during our international webinar on 20-09-2023. You can view the recording and read the viewers questions and ENI answers on our website.

Disclaimer: ENI has done its best to accurately represent current knowledge, experience and expectations of the future from within the ENI ecosystem. However, no rights can be derived from this publication and ENI cannot be held accountable for the accuracy of information given.

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